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for Primary Schools

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Lumen Learning Trust

ECHELFORD ACTION PAGE September 2019: Fire safety & Staff Handbook

These actions are for staff employed at the Echelford site only.

Fire safety video training
Please watch the video training on fire safety. You can click here to be taken to the Video Vault page where you can access the video. Please ensure you read the instructions fully as the method of accessing the video has changed slightly from the last time you completed the training. It is recommended that you complete the training at a PC with the facility to print. Please ensure you print the certificate issued at the end of the training and provide a copy to your School Business Manager. 

Staff Handbook 2019-2020
Please read the Echelford Staff Handbook 2019-2020 which you can access below.

Once you have completed these actions please complete the online form found in the left hand side menu which will be sent to your School Business Manager so that your training record can be updated accordingly.

Please ensure all actions are completed by Monday 4th November.

Lumen Learning Trust