Monday 24th July

Our first day at Camp 2023 was truly out of this world! We went travelling around space for a whole range of activities.
As Camp is running a little differently this year the children were able to choose what activities they wanted to do, some chose to do an activity a couple of times while others preferred to try everything that was on offer.
A popular activity involved avoiding comets (dodgeballs), while one session needed to avoid both the comets and the rain! Lots of children also spent some time learning a dance that saw them travelling to Venus.
We saw lots of children bring their artistic skills to camp today as they created paper mache planets, alien masks and even giant rocket ships! Make sure you check out our Camp Photo Gallery to see some of the amazing things we have made throughout the day!
We also spent some time putting our Space knowledge to the test as we had our very own Lumen’s Summer Camp Out of This World Quiz! Some children also created their own coded messages to send to outer space and decoded messages from aliens!
Tomorrow’s theme is Enchanted Forest - as we venture inside what magical creature might we see? Don’t forget to bring a cardboard box for some of our arts and crafts for tomorrow!