Friday 11th August

It has been a fantastic day today as we draw Lumen's Summer Camp 2023 to a close. All the children have shared their talents with us throughout the day and for our final session we came together for a Lumen Summer Camp’s Got Talent Performance! It was wonderful to see all the children celebrate each other’s amazing talents and to see children have a go when they are feeling slightly nervous.
In the hall, the children had the opportunity to work with one of Lumen’s dance teachers to practise their routines and to learn new and exciting moves. There was also an opportunity to practise circus skills, from gymnastics to juggling out on the field. Many of the children used this as an opportunity to really develop their performance ready for the talent show later in the day. Out on the MUGAS, children let their hair down as they took an opportunity to practise their sports skills by taking part in a variety of workshops. We had football, tennis, rounders and lacrosse all running as mini sessions throughout the day. There was some serious talent as children spent time showing us how awesome their skills are!
In our Arts & Crafts session, many of us created microphones to help our voices spread loud and clear, which again were used in our performances in the talent show. We also crafted our very own bunting and signs to cheer on fellow campers as they sashayed about the stage.
It has been a fantastic end to our 2023 Summer Camp, and we want to take a moment to thank you all for coming along throughout the last three weeks. We wish you all a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you next year. For our children heading off to Secondary school in September we wish you all the best and don't forget you can still come to Camp as an Assister next year!
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