Local Governance Boards
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- Local Governance Boards
The Funding Agreement requires the Board of Directors to establish a Local Governance Board (LGB) in respect of each school to provide advice to the Directors on the functioning of that school. The Local Governing Body is a committee of the main board of Directors which operates under terms of reference.
The Local Governance Board is made up of individuals who may or may not also be Directors. Each LGB shall comprise a maximum of 11 members ("Local Governors") to include:
- the Headteacher of the relevant School;
- the EP;
- two elected parents/guardians of a current pupil at the School;
- two elected staff governors, ideally one elected teacher member employed and one elected support staff member, employed at the School; and
- such other members as the Directors decide.
Each LGB shall have a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. The Chairman shall be appointed by the Directors and shall serve in such capacity for 2 years. The Vice-Chairman shall be appointed by the Directors and shall serve in such capacity for 2 years.
The functions and proceedings of the LGBs shall be subject to the constitution and terms of reference made by the Directors. The remit of the LGBs is as follows:
- Broadly the role of a LGB is to provide focused governance for a School at a local level. LGBs will also monitor the School's Key Performance Indicators and act as a critical friend to the Head of School, providing challenge, where appropriate.
- In relation to each School, the LGB will act in an advisory capacity to the Academy Trust, the Executive Principal and to the Head of School except where powers have been specifically delegated to them by the Academy Trust. The LGB will undertake such duties as are delegated to it in relation to the day-to-day governance of the School.
- The LGB shall have the roles set out in the attached delegated authority document and any other role which the Directors of the Academy Trust agree shall be carried out by the LGB and which is communicated in writing to the Chairman of the LGB.
- The LGBs carry out their functions in relation to their respective Academies on behalf of the Directors and in accordance with policies determined by the Directors.
- The act of delegation from the Directors to the LGBs shall be a delegation of powers and duties, and not a delegation or shedding of responsibilities.